Embrace Clarity and Break Free from Overwhelm: Find Your Starting Point with Words For Photographers
Stop stressing and just share something can sound exactly like you have clothes in your closet just go put something on, or go get something to eat there's food in the fridge.
All of these things make me freeze.
I know that I have lots to share. I know we just got groceries. I know that I have clothes that I "could" wear.
But when I share I want it to be GOOD.
When that meal is made I want it to be satisfying.
When that outfit is on I want to feel comfortable and beautiful.
Trying to push me past this, with anything will do mentality, sometimes makes me dig my heels in more.
The way my resolve is set up I sometimes won't do any of it including eat if I get overwhelmed or get a hint that it won't be the way I want it to be.
So what do you do...
For me I honor the standard and intentionally rise to it, I ask for help, I find workarounds or I eject.
If we narrow down the options from say anything, to take a moment to talk about this specific moment the fog starts to clear fast.
It's why I include a guide inside of Words For Photographers called Words For Your Campaign that helps you prep for what you want to say by gathering the information you need and gives you content starters that you can use as your jumping off point.
I don't need the entire layout or post because obviously it's mine and I'm brilliant BUT I can absolutely take the whiff of a beginning and let that take me where I really want to go.
But if we don't narrow down the options I'm not going to do anyyy of it.
You shall find me here, scrolling away and regretting every second of it but I'm too overwhelmed to stop.
If you want a starting point that makes sense for you, that you can customize, that you can brainstorm in a room full of folks who get it we should talk about if Words is right for you this summer.
The clients who join this week will get early access to the content prompt guide so that you can start shifting what you share before the workshop even begins.